The Meaning of Life: Discover Your Purpose on Earth
What is your purpose? What is life all about? It’s probably not what you think – its far better!
What is your purpose? What is life all about? It’s probably not what you think – its far better!
What is a Christian’s greatest duty? What are we to pursue first and foremost as highest priority?
The doctrine of election is incredibly relevant to your Christian growth and affects your humility, thankfulness, joy, obedience, good works, evangelism and even worship.
The connection between God’s Spirit and God’s Word may be closer than you realize.
Why does the Apostle Paul call love the “greatest” when compared with faith and hope? We take a closer look at why Paul makes this astonishing statement.
How does God’s eternal punishment of the wicked cohere with His love? Why does God choose to punish people in this manner? The glory of God is the answer.
How does the New Testament relate to the Old Testament? Do any Old Testament laws apply to the Christian today? If so, how much? Romans 13:8-10 connects love and the law in some very interesting ways.
If you could ask for one thing to make your life better, what would it be? If your answer is anything but “God,” you are missing out on the greatest possible good.
The most important thing in your life is your relationship with God. Why? God is the “Greatest Good.” There is nothing better for a person than God. And the condition of your relationship with God determines your eternal destiny.
Most Christians know they need to apply God’s truth to their lives. But often we forget to apply it to all of who we are and not just a part. The “Head, Heart, Hands” method of application helps us think holistically about how God wants to form all of who we are into the image of Jesus Christ.
The most important relationship in your life is your relationship with God. No other relationship comes close. Grow in knowing and loving Him.
What is better than silver or gold? The wisdom of God which provides riches you just can’t buy.
Fundamental to knowing God is understanding His profound uniqueness as a divine being – there is none like Him and there is no other than Him.
What does the curse of this obscure law buried in the book of Deuteronomy have to do with Jesus’ death on the cross? Everything!
How do great Christians become great? Often God shapes His servants through the fire of many trials.
The Internet has made extremely cost effective ways of learning more and more abundant every year. In fact, there are several places you can learn Reformed theology without paying a dime.
Though the Antichrist is a figure that will come in the future, many don’t realize that other antichrists are actively opposing the work of Jesus Christ now. Learn how to be protected from their deceptions.
Be encouraged – you can confess your sin and be assured of forgiveness through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and current work as High Priest.
If you struggle with anger, or have to deal with someone who does, you may know how destructive this sin can be. The book of Proverbs has several insights into the nature of anger and how to handle it.
There are many ways to read the Bible depending on what you want to accomplish (topical, exegetical, etc.). But how should we read the Bible for the greatest spiritual edification? How should our Bible reading fit in with God’s goals for us? We answer that question and present a model for devotional reading.
Money and materialism can be a real hindrance to the Christian life and love for God. Yet these things are a necessary part of life. How do we seek Christ’s kingdom first without letting money get in the way? Jesus tells us how in Matthew.
Prayer can be hard work. Most Christians are probably not happy with their prayer life and know they need to improve. Here are some helps identifying problems and how to make prayer easier.
If you are at a loss of what to pray for, here’s a solution – simply open your Bible for an endless source of ideas. Here’s how to do it.
The wisdom offered in the book of Proverbs is worth more than gold or silver. Find out how Proverbs can help your kids avoid serious mistakes and live a faithful life in God’s world.